Black Mt. on Lake George
August and September have been challenging months. I've found myself short on time off and the weekends have largely been busts as far as hiking is concerned whether due to responsibilites or weather. Some people are good at compartmentalizing their disappointments and using perspective as a coping mechanism; I am not one of those people. All month I have been a bit lax in getting excercise for either of us and I've been feeling rather down. I found myself with a free couple of weekends at the end of September and for the first one, Sunny and I took advantage of some good weather to climb a mountain. Neither Sunny nor I had done Black Mt. along Lake George before, and it was only a short 5 Adirondack miles, so I thought it was a good option since it had been some time since we'd done a proper hike. I'd never been through the towns on the east side of the lower Adirondacks before and it was interesting to travel through there. Many of the towns have seen better days, but...